Friday, December 16, 2011

Problems with Windstream DSL and VPN Client unable to connect?

my Windstream DSL works fine but when I try to use VPN Client

to connect to my work I never get the login screen and seems to just hang. I use the same PC at my friends house he has DSL with AT%26amp;T and it works fine so think it has something to do with Windstream DSL service ? -HELP!|||Do you have a speedstream modem/router? These modems actually issue private IP's to your system, if that IP range happens to be the same as the "VPN" range you are attempting to connect into, you can get some errors!

Download the users manual from Windstream (under the "Broadband Checkup" tab at the top. And check the settings. It may be as simple as enabling IPsec in the modem or if you have another router behind that modem setting the Speedstream to Bridge Mode! Since you didn't say how you are setup I can only take a guess.

What happens when you are DIRECTLY connected to the modem (if you have another router?)

Good Luck

Added: you need to recheck that MODEM,, if its a SpeedStream - it is a router and issues 192.168.x.x IP's!|||I have heard of some ISPs that block the ports necessary for a VPN tunnel to be negotiated. My suggestion would be to find out what type of VPN you have (IPSec, PPTP, etc), and contact your ISP to see if they are blocking any of the required ports.

1 comment:

  1. This is the issue everyone has to face while setting up the manual VPN and it also affects your internet speed. Though I do not use VPN regularly but for the times when I need it, I mostly go for the free vpn server software that I have got online.
